Giving Options

Giving options available


The Lord's portion

Covenant Offering

Used for location church expenses and world mission

Advancing Church Building and Auditorium Loan Liquidation (ACBALL)

ACBALL has as its primary objective raising funds to aid in the establishment of adequate and appropriate physical facility to fulfil our mission and mandate.

Camp Braham

Donate towards developing our Youth Camp Site in Treasurer Beach, St. Elizabeth.

Christian Education

Donate to our Adventist Christian Education Institutions namely: Harrison Memorials High and Preparatory Schools, Savanna-la-mar High and Preparatory Schools, Jointwood Preparatory, Bull Savannah Preparatory, Darliston Preparatory and March Town Preparatory Schools.

Family Indemnity Plan (FIP)

FIP offered by Cuna Caribbean Insurance Jamaica. To be used by enrolled members only. Be sure to include the name of the person insured and the type of plan in the Add Note textbox.

Media Ministry

Donate to our Media Ministry which involves our 24--hour cable station - West Conference Communication Network (WCCN) which is able on Cornwall Communication channel 234 and Home Time Networks.


Select this option if your choice is not listed. Be sure to use the ‘Add Note’ textbox to explain what your giving is for.

Behold He Cometh

This is our flagship telecast that is aired nationally each Sunday Morning at 7:30 am on Television Jamaica.


Official fund-raising programme of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This fund is used exclusively for welfare ministry.

Sabbath School Offering

For Sabbath School expenses

Community Services

Community Services is the official community outreach ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist church in West Jamaica and our mission is to “serve communities in Christ’s name”.

Mentorship Program

The mentorship program is about 1) helping to keep our own young people in the church; 2) reaching unattached youth who have dropped out of school, out of church and is prone to violence and anti-social behaviour, rescuing them from drugs and a life of crime; 3) providing help for the helpless, hope for the hopeless, helping them to advance educationally, socially, and spiritually. Helping them to find meaning and purpose in this life and hope for the life to come. Help us to lend a hand! Help to rescue our sons and daughters as we endeavour to be our brother's keeper.

Online Worship Experience

In the midst of fear and panic, we all need messages of HOPE and REASSURANCE. The Online Worship Experience is designed to be that platform that reminds of us that in spite of the prevailing circumstances we are still covered in Grace and connected in Hope. The Online Worship Experience in aired each Sabbath on our social media pages (YouTube and Facebook) and on our local cable channel WCCN (West Conference Communication Network). We encourage you to donate to this program as we seek to assure all (locally and overseas) that God's grace is still available and so we can be confident in the hope of the glory of God.

Housing Project

Donate to assist the needy individuals who currently living in less than ideal homes.

Church Building

Used for church building expenses

Food Project

Donate to assist us in purchasing food items for those in need.

Footprints of Hope Online Evangelistic Series

Contribute to the Footprints of Hope Online Evangelistic Series with International Evangelist, Pastor Glen O. Samuels.


This is our annual Junion and Youth Summer camp held at Treasurer Beach.

Hurricane Beryl Recovery

Contribute to many persons affected by the passage of this devastating hurricane.


TITHE - is a sacred responsibility for all Christians. It provides for ministers, teachers, and evangelists througout the world.
CHURCH BUDGET - supports your local church congregation and its ministries. This includes expenses related to evangelism, outreach, educational subsidies, Sabbath School, and utilities.
C.W.D - provides for local church building and conference infrastructural development.
WORLD MISSIONS - supports various outreach and evangelistic ministries world-wide.
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